The District is committed to a transparent, open form of government. District agencies are required to make certain records available online to the public, if those records exist. Under District of Columbia Official Code § 2-536, certain information is made available to the public via the internet, including the list of salaries of current employees and the policies and procedures that govern the agency’s operations. DCHR has gathered many of its commonly-requested documents and has provided them below:
- Agency Open Government Report
- Employee Salary Information
- Public Employee Salary Information
(Please note that this is the complete listing of District employees.) - Classification and Compensation
- Public Employee Salary Information
- Administrative Staff Manuals and Instructions
- Electronic-District Personnel Manual (E-DPM)
- DCHR Mission Statement
- P Card Transactions
- Procurements and Payments
- Purchase Orders
- DCHR Organizational Chart [PDF]
- District-wide FOIA Reports
- Ask the Director
FOIA Information
If you cannot find the information you are looking for here or elsewhere on you can submit a FOIA request online via the DC government Public FOIA Portal. Requests may also be submitted by mail, fax, or email. However, please note that FOIA requests submitted online will be easier to track and process.
FOIA Officer
If you cannot find the information you are looking for here or elsewhere on, you can submit a FOIA request online via the DC Government Public FOIA Portal. Requests may also be submitted by mail, fax, or email. However, please note that FOIA requests submitted online will be easier to track and process using the DC Government Public FOIA Portal. When submitting a FOIA request, please ensure to include at least one method of communication so that the FOIA Officer may contact you in order to properly handle your request (email, phone number, fax, business or home address).
There is no fee to submit a FOIA request. However, you may be charged fees for searching, reviewing, and reproducing records. Please be aware that you may have to pay search and/or review fees even if the search does not locate any responsive records or if records are located but are withheld as exempt. See DC Official Code § 2-532 and 1 DCMR § 408.
FOIA Officer
The FOIA Officer is the principal contact point within DCHR for advice and policy guidance on matters pertaining to the administration of the Freedom of Information Act. All requests are handled professionally and expeditiously. DCHR’s FOIA Officer’s information is listed below.
Sienna Haslup | Attorney Advisor
FOIA Officer
District of Columbia Department of Human Resources
Office of the General Counsel
1015 Half Street, SE, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20003
[email protected]
(202) 442-9697 – Office (main)