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Employee Retirement

Learn more about available retirement plans by visiting your specific plan’s webpage at the links below.

Plan Type

Employer Contribution

Employee Requirements

401(a) Defined Contribution Pension Plan for Benefits-Eligible Employees Hired on or After October 1, 1987

100 percent employer funded: 5 percent of the base salary (5.5 percent for Corrections Officers) beginning the first pay period after one year of service.

Must have one year of continuous service to participate; fully vested in the Defined Contribution Pension Plan after five years of continuous service.

457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan


Open to all employees who can contribute the minimum of $20 per pay period.

Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) for Employees Hired Before October 1, 1987

CSRS-covered employees contribute 7, 7.5 or 8 percent of pay to CSRS. CSRS-covered employees who separated from the District and return to District service after April 1, 1986 must pay the Medicare tax (currently 1.45 percent of pay). CSRS-covered employees with no break in service pay no Medicare or Social Security retirement, survivor and disability (OASDI) tax. The employing agency matches the employee's CSRS contributions.

Police Officers and Firefighters Plan

Employee is required to make retirement contributions to the plan while employed by the Police or Fire Department: 7 percent of base pay if hired before November 10, 1996 or 8 percent of base pay if hired on or after November 10, 1996.

The 2023 District of Columbia Police Officers and Firefighters’ Retirement Plan “Summary Plan Descriptions” (SPD) is available on the District of Columbia Retirement Board’s website here. Changes from the 2017 edition include a fresh new design with real pictures of Plan members, more detailed explanations and descriptions, and more.
Police Officers and Firefighters' Summary Plan Description

Teacher Retirement Plan

Upon hire, employees classified ET begin automatically contributing 8 percent (if hired on or after November 1, 1996) or 7 percent (if hired prior to November 1, 1996) of their salary on a biweekly basis into this retirement plan. Employees that are not classified ET do not contribute to this plan.

The 2023 District of Columbia Teachers’ Retirement Plan “Summary Plan Descriptions” (SPD) is available on the District of Columbia Retirement Board’s website here. Changes from the 2017 edition include a fresh new design with real pictures of Plan members, more detailed explanations and descriptions, and more.
Teachers' Summary Plan Description

2025 Retirement 101 Seminar Banner

Distribution Requests

All distributions from the Plan are accomplished via form. All forms are available online through MissionSquare. When the form has been completed, please submit the form via email to [email protected] or via fax at 202.727.9070. DCHR will process your request within 10 business days from the date of receipt if the form is in good order.


401(a) & 457(b) Plan Beneficiaries

In the event of your death, your designated beneficiary(ies) will be entitled to any assets remaining in your retirement account/s. Your designation helps ensure assets will be paid out accordingly to your wishes and will not be subject to the potential costs and delays of probate, as well as creditor claims. If all your primary beneficiaries are no longer living at the time of your death, benefits will be paid to your contingent beneficiaries.
  • Review Your Beneficiary Information
    Visit to log into your account, then select Access My Accounts, then View My Beneficiaries, which is located in the blue sidebar menu on the left of your screen.
  • Designate or Update Your Beneficiaries 
    Visit to log into your account or visit the Forms and Publications page to find forms that let you designate or update beneficiary information. Instructions are included on the forms.

Additional Retirement Resources


Contact the DCHR Benefits & Retirement Administration

Phone: (202) 442-7627
Fax: (202) 727-9070