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Performance Management Updates

The Performance Management Program is the cornerstone of the District’s effort to create a more productive and accountable workforce. Active participation demonstrates a commitment to employee performance and the performance of the DC Government.

To provide employees with every opportunity to complete their annual goals and ensure their continuous professional development it is imperative that performance plans be completed as close to the beginning of the fiscal year (October 1, 2024) as possible and to strive to have them completed no later than November 22, 2024.    The planning phase for Fiscal Year 2024 runs through October 1, 2024, with managers encouraged to begin drafting performance plans as early as September 2024, outside of PeopleSoft, and to have new performance plans developed for incumbent employees by October 1, 2024. During the planning phase, managers are encouraged to develop, communicate, and finalize employee performance goals for Fiscal Year 2025. Performance Plans provide a framework for developing the skills of the workforce and lay the groundwork for conducting meaningful performance evaluations at the end of the fiscal year.  It is important that employees understand the importance of their work and its connection to the agency’s mission.  Every employee should have a clear line of sight from their own S.M.A.R.T. goals all the way to the agency’s mission statement.  

Developing employee performance plans by October 1, 2024 provides employees with a full fiscal year to achieve their goals and be properly evaluated. This requires that Performance Plans be developed, entered and finalized in the PeopleSoft ePerformance system as close to October 1 2024 as possible and no later than November 22, 2024.  Afterwards the PeopleSoft ePerformance System will be open on the 15th and 30th of each month or the closest business days for plan modification through June 30th, 2025.  

FY2025 should be initiated and submitted as soon as the fiscal year begins on October 1, 2024. Managers are encouraged to take a proactive approach and complete the planning phase by October 1, 2024.  

Managers of employees that are hired after October 1, 2024, will have 30 days from the hire date to create and finalize their plans which can be done until June 30, 2025. New performance plans should be in place within 30 days for those employees who enter new positions or into positions with vastly different duties, are promoted or are otherwise subject to other personnel actions.  This can be done through June 30, 2025.  Those hired from outside the District Government after June 30, 2025 will not have a performance plan for FY25.  Note: for those employees hired after June 30, 2025 from a different District agency the old agency will be responsible for that employee’s evaluation.  

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or at (202) 442-9661.

Dates for FY2025 Performance Management Cycle


9/1/24 -9/30/24

Planning Phase for FY2025 Performance Management Plans:  Managers should begin drafting Performance Plans outside of PeopleSoft ePerformance system.


PeopleSoft ePerformance system opens for FY2025 Performance Plan Creation and FY2024 Performance Evaluation submission.

10/1/24 -11/22/24

Managers can input Performance Plans, including S.M.A.R.T. goals and Individual Development Plans (IDP) in the PeopleSoft ePerformance system. Manager should hold performance plan discussion with employee.
* Managers are encouraged to integrate FY2025 performance plan discussions with employees’ FY2024 performance evaluation discussions.
10/1/24 – 11/22/24
  • Employee creates and submits the FY2024 self-evaluation to supervisor through ePerformance. (optional)
  • Manager creates and submits the official FY2024 evaluation to the reviewer.
  • Reviewer approves/denies the FY2024 Evaluation.
  • Manager makes the FY2024 Evaluation available for employee review.
  • Manager holds evaluation discussion.
  • Manager requests the FY2024 evaluation employee acknowledgement.
  • Employee acknowledges that the FY2024 evaluation discussion was held.
  • Manager completes the FY 2024 evaluations.
12/17/24 -9/30/25 Manager issues Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) if necessary. 
3/31/2025 -6/30/2025 PeopleSoft ePerformance system opens for FY2025 Mid-Year progress discussions. Managers should be sure to RE-FINALIZE plans in PeopleSoft after completing these discussions
Note: A Mid-Year progress discussion is mandatory for employees serving a probationary period.
9/1/25 -10/1/25 (Proposed)

Planning Phase for FY2026 Performance Management Plans:  Managers should draft Performance Plans and input them into the PeopleSoft ePerformance system as of 10/1/25 and coincide discussions of new plans with their Year-End discussions held to evaluate FY25 performance.

For more information, please contact: Philip Mancini at [email protected] or (202) 442-9661.