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Policy - DCHR

E-DPM Overview

The policies and procedures contained in the Electronic-District Personnel Manual (E-DPM) are intended to provide District government employees under the authority of the Mayor with relevant information regarding D.C. personnel regulations.  This includes guidelines, practices, ethics, expectations and standards of the District government.  The E-DPM consists of:

  • Rules
    The D.C. personnel rules in the E-DPM are designed to implement agency standards, as well as interpret a law or policy. In certain instances, the rules outlined in the E-DPM also describe the agency’s organization, structure, procedures and practices that govern an agency.
  • Issuances
    Issuances provide procedural and operational guidance on District government rules and regulations. Issuances support the day-to-day implementation of the District government's personnel rules. Issuances are active until they expire at a pre-determined date, or until they are superseded or rescinded by new guidance.

Subordinate and Independent Agencies – What do we mean by subordinate and independent agencies?

In the District of Columbia government there are subordinate agencies as well as independent agencies. A subordinate agency is one that is under the administrative control of the Mayor.   An independent agency is an agency that is not subject to the administrative control of the Mayor.  When regulations and procedures are put in place by the Mayor, subordinate agencies are obligated to follow the procedures set forth by the Mayor.  However, it is up to the discretion of the independent agencies, whether they choose to adopt all or part of those policies and procedures.                                                                                                                                  

The following link will direct you to the E-DPM: Electronic-District Personnel Manual (E-DPM)

Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act (“CMPA”)

The Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act (or “CMPA”) was enacted March 3, 1979. Among other things, this law required the establishment of the Department of Human Resources (formerly the Office of Personnel) and the creation of the District government’s own personnel system.

The CMPA is the authority that allows DCHR to update and adopt the DC Personnel Regulations found in the Electronic-District Personnel Manual (E-DPM) and the D.C. Municipal Regulations (“DCMR”).  These regulations are applicable to subordinate agencies in the District government.

D.C. Municipal Regulations (“DCMR”)

The D.C. Municipal Regulations (“DCMR”) is the official compilation of the rules and regulations issued by District of Columbia government agencies and the Council of the District of Columbia. Currently the DCMR contains 31 titles that provide the practices and methods to operate and perform effectively in the District Government.

The following link will direct you to the D.C. Municipal Regulations

D.C. Official Code

The D.C. Official Code represents a collection of the laws of the District of Columbia that govern the body of work within the District government.

The following link will direct you to the D.C. Official Code