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FAQ - Human Resources Solutions Administration

Q.  How does a potential candidate apply for a position within the District of Columbia government?

A.  To apply for a position in the District of Columbia government, applicants can visit Vacant positions found on the “Careers DC” page include vacancies in subordinate agencies that are under the personnel authority of the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

Note: There are other District government agencies outside of the Mayor’s personnel authority that have their own platform to allow candidates to apply for jobs. Some of these independent agencies include the following:

Agency Platform
DC Housing Authority Join DCHA
DC Public Schools (DCPS) Join DCPS
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Join MPD
Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) Join OCFO
University of the District of Columbia (UDC) Join UDC

Q. Does the District of Columbia government offer any preference points for potential applicants?

A. Yes. The District of Columbia offers preference points for the following categories:

Q.  What is the foster care preference?

A.  The Foster Care Preference is a hiring preference of 10 points and is awarded to a person who applies for competitive employment in the Career Service,  who at the time of application is, (1) within 5 years of leaving foster care under the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) and is a resident of the District; or (2) currently in a foster care program administered by CFSA and is at least 18 years old and not more than 21 years old, regardless of residency.

Q. What is the District residency preference?

A.  The residency preference is when 10 points are awarded to the rating and ranking score of a person who is a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia, and who applies for competitive employment in the Career Service, Educational Service, Legal Service (excluding the Senior Executive Attorney Service), or Management Supervisory Service (unless the person declines). For additional information on the required documentation for eligibility, please review the Chapter 3 of the D.C. personnel regulations, Residency.

Q.  What is veterans preference?

A.  Veterans preference gives eligible veterans preference points during the competitive process that are unavailable to other applicants. The preference points are granted to disabled veterans, to veterans who served on active duty (in certain time periods or military operations), and under certain conditions, to eligible spouses and eligible survivors.

Note: Individuals that are applying for positions in the Legal, Executive, Excepted, Management Supervisory Service are not eligible to receive veteran’s preference points.
For additional information on veteran’s preference, please refer to Chapter 7A of the D.C. personnel regulations, Veterans Preference.

Q.  What is a temporary appointment?

A.  A temporary appointment is an appointment with a specific time limitation of one (1) year or less.

Q.  What is a term appointment?

A.  A term appointment is an appointment with a specific time limitation in excess of one (1) year, but not exceeding four (4) year, unless extended by the personnel authority, or as otherwise provided by statute.

Q.  What is a position description?

A.  A position description or “PD” is a formal document that explains the tasks, major duties, knowledge required, and other associated functions and responsibilities of a position.

Q. How can a current employee obtain their position description?

A.  A current employee can obtain their official position description from their agency Human Resource Advisor.

Q. What is a Career Appointment (Probational)?

A.  A Career Appointment (Probational) is an appointment of an employee to a continuing position in the Career Service subject to satisfactory completion of a probationary period of at least one-year (1-year probationary period).

Q.  What is a desk audit?

A.  A desk audit, which is a function handled by DCHR’s Classification Division, is an assessment of the duties of a position to determine if the employee's position’s classification should be changed (e.g., pay, title, etc.).

Q.  What is the formal process to request a desk audit?

A.  An employee can request a desk audit by calling DCHR’s Classification Division at (202) 442-9700 or sending an email to [email protected].

Q.  If an employee is separated due to a reduction-in-force will the employee receive preference for future job postings?

A.  If an employee is separated due to a reduction-in-force (RIF) the employee will have the opportunity to be placed in the Agency Reemployment Priority Program and the Displaced Employee Program.

Q.  What is the Agency Reemployment Priority Program (ARPP)?

A. The ARPP is a priority placement program where former employees that were impacted by a RIF are considered for vacant positions within the agency from which they were separated. Consideration is based on the employee’s qualifications and according to the order established on the RIF retention register.

Q.  What is the Displaced Employee Program (DEP)?

A. The DEP is a priority placement program where former employees that were impacted by a RIF are considered for vacant positions they qualify for in agencies under the personnel authority of the Mayor.

Note: Employees in the Management Supervisory Service are at-will and do not have the required Career Service status to participate in the Agency Reemployment Priority Program or the Displaced Employee Program.



Q.  Where can employees get assistance if they are unable to access their PeopleSoft account?

A.  If an employee is unable to access their PeopleSoft account, the employee should contact the Office of the Chief Technology Officer by calling 202-671-1566, selecting option #1.

Q.  How can an employee change their direct deposit?

A.  An employee can make one change per day to their direct deposit by following the navigation path below:
    Visit, select PeopleSoft from Work >Self Service>Payroll Compensation, select “Direct Deposit”
    For additional information, contact the Office of Pay and Retirement Services by calling (202) 741-8600.

Q. Where can current and former employees obtain their W-2/W-2C Form from a previous calendar year?

A. Current employees can visit and follow the navigation path shown below to access their W-2/W-2C:
    Self Service>Payroll and Compensation>View W-2/W-2C Forms.    
Former employees can visit the Office of Pay and Retirement Services, located at 441 4th Street N.W. Washington D.C. 20003, Suite 420, between the hours of 8:00am 4:30pm Monday-Friday.