Health Insurance for Employees Hired Before October 1, 1987
Employees hired before October 1, 1987, are eligible to participate in the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Program (FEHB), which is administered by the US Office of Personnel Management. The FEHB offers several kinds of plans, including Fee-for-Service, Health Maintenance Organizations, Point-of-Service and Preferred Provider Organizations. Once you have selected which type of plan you wish to enroll in, there are numerous options to choose from.
- Current Premium Rates for FEHBP Employees
- Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Information
- Temporary Continuation of Coverage
- Compare FEHB Plans:
The cost of your monthly health insurance premium is shared with the District government, which contributes up to 75 percent toward the total premium cost. All health insurance premium deductions are made on a pre-tax basis, unless a specific Pre-Tax Benefits Waiver Form is requested.