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Affordable Care Act & Form 1095-C: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 1095 form?

Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage, is a tax form that reports your health care coverage month by month from the previous calendar year.

Who is sending it to me, when, and how?

If eligible, DC Government will send one to you by mail or you may elect to electronically receive it. If you have elected to electronically receive form 1095-C, you may download it through PeopleSoft when it becomes available. Employees must submit their consent to electronically receive Form 1095-C in PeopleSoft by Thursday, February 13, 2025. Employees who do not consent to receive an electronic 1095-C will have a paper copy mailed to the address listed in PeopleSoft. Instructions for consenting to electronically receive Form 1095-C can be found here.

Why are you sending it to me?

The 1095 forms indicate that you and/or your family members either did or did not have health coverage during each month of the past year. For 2024, the Affordable Care Act mandates every person must obtain health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

What am I supposed to do with this form?

Keep it for your tax records. You do not need this form in order to file your taxes, but when you do file, you’ll have to tell the IRS whether or not you had health insurance for each month of the year. Form 1095-C shows if you had health insurance through your employer. Since you don’t actually need this form to file your taxes, you don’t have to wait to receive it if you already know what months you did or didn’t have health insurance. When you do get the form, keep it with your other tax information in case you should need it in the future to help prove you had health insurance.

Should I wait for the form to prepare my income tax return?

In most cases, you do not need to wait for the Form 1095-C in order to file your US Individual Income Tax Return (IRS Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ). Most employees will know whether they had health coverage for a month and can simply check a box on their tax return to attest that they, their spouse (if filing jointly), and any eligible dependents had “minimum essential coverage” throughout the year.

Under what circumstances would I need the information on Form 1095-C to file my Individual Income Tax Return?

You will only need that information if you received an advance premium tax credit or wish to take the premium tax credit on your return or if you had a gap in coverage of more than three consecutive months. How will I receive these forms? You may receive these forms by US Mail or you may electronically receive them through PeopleSoft at Instructions to consent to electronically receive form 1095-C can be found here.

When will I receive these forms?

You should receive 2024 forms in March 2025.

Who can I contact for assistance or additional information?

Please contact the DC Department of Human Resources’ Benefits and Retirement Administration at [email protected] or 202.442.7627.