Benefits Enrollment Checklist
Checklist detailing the necessary steps, dates, etc. to ensure employees make timely and appropriate updates to their benefits elections, when applicable.
2024 Open Enrollment Benefits Fair Schedule
DCHR will have Hybrid Open Enrollment Benefits Fairs this year. We will host a total of 16 events with 8 onsite fairs and 8 days of virtual sessions. Join the in-person fair and webinars for the latest benefit updates and personalized expert guidance to align your choices with your unique needs.
►View Full Hybrid Schedule and Download Now
►View Live Virtual Webinar Schedule
2024 Benefits Plan Comparisons at a Glance
Get a quick overview of DC Government employee healthcare premiums. Compare your plans at a glance and speed up your decision-making in figuring out which option gives you and your family the best coverage.
►View Benefits Plan Comparison Now