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Retirement Incentive Award Application

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

In accordance with the provisions of Section 1904.7 of Chapter 19 of the D.C. Personnel Regulations, Incentive awards; employees who voluntarily retire under the Civil Service Retirement System or any other District of Columbia Government retirement system may apply for a retirement award. Employees eligible for retirement who are not otherwise excluded from this program may apply for an award payment by completing Section I of this form. The retirement award may not exceed $25,000. For part-time employees, this amount will be prorated based upon the number of hours in the employee's official tour of duty.

Please note, District agencies, with concurrence from District executive leadership, have the discretion to determine when and to whom retirement incentives are offered.

The agency decision to offer retirement incentive awards is based upon both operational and financial factors.

Interested employees may contact their agency HR representatives to determine whether their agency is participating in the retirement incentive program and their eligibility.